Friday, 9 December 2011

Deixa cantar de novo o trovador

Ok, it's been a while... (yes, almost a month Andy) Sorry, end of the year, you know...
So, in the end of november and beggining of december there was the Literature party at Alliance Française here in Maringá, Arapongas and Londrina. We were in charge of the fantastic literature, so we had a room with a game in which people had to guess the fantastic creatures inside boxes based on extracts from books and the masks inside, and we all wore black capes and white masks, it was fun :) 

The second pic is the entrance to our room! I was afraid people wouldn't want to pass, but I guess curiosity over weird peeps with masks overcomes the trouble of going through a web/labirinth ^ ^

And this is outside the Alliance Française in Arapongas, isn't it beautiful?

And now back to my regular masks....

This is Aquarela do Brasil (from this song) and she's made with textured paper, paprika, saffron, and natural decorations, such as wooden flowers, burlap, straw, and seeds.

This is Saisons de L'esprit, I just started to attach the flower decorations (and realized I'll still have to make many many flowers)

And here is the first sketch for Hanabi the 2nd (Hanabi is a series, so there will be more)

And here is the first one with the wooden flowers I got with AccentsandPetals. Not 100% yet

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