Saturday 26 February 2011

You know what disgusts me the most actually?

That people are so willing to just burst into wars for money, territory and pride. And then something like this comes along and is just “none of our business”. “Yeah, like, the guy’s wrong, but how can I find the will and possibility to intervene when a ginormous amount of people dying just doesn’t interfere directly at me”.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t support the idea of a war in any way, for any reason at all. I just think, for crying out loud, there must be something that can be done, more than it’s being done right now. People use any kind of excuse they can possibly find if they think they can get something out of it. That’s just not doing it for me anymore, I’m sick of this. I’m sick of seeing people on the street watching someone in some kind of distress (think of the most banal sittuation, like an old lady with a heavy bag) and just being uncapable of offering a hand. I’m ashamed to say sometimes I do it myself ‘cause I spend too much time thinking when I should be doing. YES maybe they can use some help, the worst you can get is “no, thank you”. That should be the general thought ” I can do a little something, even if it’s so little I think it doesn’t matter”. It starts right there.

It’s time for change people. It’s not possible that we’ll just keep going like this.

(Sorry if I’m not making any sense, I know it’s much more complex than this. I’m just mad.)

And I won't translate this, sorry.

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Thursday 24 February 2011

Fleur de Saison

Here's a little preview She's not ready, but I couldn't help myself :) The weather is not helping much, so I've been taking quite long periods to finish them.

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Friday 18 February 2011

I'll find my way

Well, I know it's gonna be in Brasil, but anyways.

I'll have my first mask exposition, at the Alliance Française of Maringá. For now the date is set at march 25, wich is a little after the carnaval here (the first idea was actually do it during the carnaval, since it's at the same time as the Carnaval de Paris, but people vanish during this week).

And this is the flyer for it :) The masks are all half way, so I won't be posting any pics here for now (I may only post after the exhibition actually...)

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Saturday 5 February 2011

He never saw it

New arrivaaal! Almost the same model as the last one (a few little changes).

And I started bonsai classes <.3 this is my new baby!

I'm in love with french <.3 just finished the second intensive course, starting the regular one in about one week :}

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